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From VCMI Project Wiki
Revision as of 08:41, 25 August 2023 by Ivan (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to VCMI Project Wiki

VCMI is an open-source project aiming to reimplement HMM3:WoG and SoD game engines, giving it new and extended possibilities.

Latest release

As of 18th of August 2023, we released VCMI 1.3.1. Now we plan to have releases 3-4 times per year. Daily builds are still available at but they are not guaranteed to be stable. So we encourage everybody to use them and report found bugs so that we can fix them.
Loading saves made with different version of VCMI is usually not supported, so you may want to finish your ongoing games before updating.
Please see corresponding "installation on" articles for details for your platform.

Documentation and guidelines for users

Documentation and guidelines for modders

Documentation and guidelines for developers

VCMI Places