Spell Format

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Current version. WiP.

Main format

	{	//numeric id of spell required only for original spells, prohibited for new spells
		"index": 0,
		//Original Heroes 3 info
		//Mandatory, spell type 
		"type": "adventure",//"adventure", "combat", "ability"
		//Mandatory, spell target type

		"name": "Localizable name",
		//Mandatory, flags structure of school names, Spell schools this spell belongs to
		"school": {"air":true, "earth":true, "fire":true, "water":true},
		//number, mandatory, Spell level, value in range 1-5
		"level": 1,
		//Mandatory, base power
		"power": 10,
		//Mandatory, default chance for this spell to appear in Mage Guilds
		//Used only if chance for a faction is not set in gainChance field
		"defaultGainChance": 0, 
		//Optional, chance for it to appear in Mage Guild of a specific faction
		//NOTE: this field is linker with faction configuration
			"factionName": 3
		//VCMI info
		"animation":{<Animation format>},
		//countering spells, flags structure of spell ids (spell. prefix is required)
		"counters": {"spell.spellID1":true, ...}

		//Mandatory,flags structure:
		//              indifferent, negative, positive - Positiveness of spell for target (required)
		//		damage - spell does damage (direct or indirect)
		//		offensive - direct damage (implicitly sets damage and negative)
		//		rising - rising spell (implicitly sets positive)
		//		summoning //todo:
		//		special - can be obtained only with bonus::SPELL

		"flags" : {"flag1": true, "flag2": true},

		//flags structure of bonus names,any one of these bonus grants immunity. Negatable by the Orb.
		"immunity": {"BONUS_NAME":true, ...},
		//optional| no default |flags structure of bonus names
		//any one of these bonus grants immunity, cant be negated
		"absoluteImmunity": {"BONUS_NAME": true, ...},

		//flags structure of bonus names, presence of all bonuses required to be affected by. Negatable by the Orb.
		"limit": {"BONUS_NAME": true, ...},

		//flags structure of bonus names, presence of all bonuses required to be affected by. Cant be negated
		"absoluteLimit": {"BONUS_NAME": true, ...},

		//graphics; mandatory; object;
			//  ! will be moved to bonus type config in next bonus config version
			//  iconImmune - OPTIONAL; string; 
			//resource path of icon for SPELL_IMMUNITY bonus (relative to DATA or SPRITES)

			//  iconScenarioBonus- mandatory, string, image resource path
			//resource path of icon for scenario bonus
			"iconScenarioBonus": "MYSPELL_B",

			//  iconEffect- mandatory, string, image resource path
			//resource path of icon for spell effects during battle
			"iconEffect": "MYSPELL_E",

			//  iconBook- mandatory, string, image resource path
			//resource path of icon for spellbook
			"iconBook": "MYSPELL_E",

			//  iconScroll- mandatory, string, image resource path
			//resource path of icon for spell scrolls
			"iconScroll": "MYSPELL_E"


		//OPTIONAL; object; TODO
			//OPTIONAL; resourse path, casting sound


		//Mandatory structure
		//configuration for no skill, basic, adv, expert
			"base": {Spell level base format},
			"none": {Spell level format},
			"basic":{Spell level format},
			"advanced":{Spell level format},
			"expert":{Spell level format}


Animation format

	"projectile": [
		{"minimumAngle": 0 ,"defName":"C20SPX4"},
		{"minimumAngle": 0.60 ,"defName":"C20SPX3"},
		{"minimumAngle": 0.90 ,"defName":"C20SPX2"},
		{"minimumAngle": 1.20 ,"defName":"C20SPX1"},
		{"minimumAngle": 1.50 ,"defName":"C20SPX0"}
	"affect":[{"defName":"C03SPA0", "verticalPosition":"bottom"}, "C11SPA1"]

Spell level base format

Json object with data common for all levels can be put here. These configuration parameters will be default for all levels. All mandatory level fields become optional if they equal "base" configuration.


This will make spell affect single target on all levels except expert, where it is massive spell.


   "range": 0
"range": "X"

Spell level format

	//Mandatory, localizable description
	//Use {xxx} for formatting
	"description": "",

	//Mandatory, number, 
	//cost in mana points
	"cost": 1,

	//Mandatory, number
	"power": 10,

	//Mandatory, number
	"aiValue": 20,

	//Mandatory, flags structure //TODO
	// modifiers make sense for creature target
		"smart": false,	//true: friendly/hostile based on positiveness; false: all targets
		"clearTarget": false,
		"clearAffected": false,
	//spell range description in SRSL
	// range "X" + smart modifier = enchanter casting, expert massive spells
	// range "X" + no smart modifier = armageddon, death ripple, destroy undead

	"range": "X",

	//Optional, arbitrary name - bonus format map
	//timed effects, overriding by name
		"firstEffect": {[bonus format]},
		"secondEffect": {[bonus format]}

	//cumulative effects that stack while active
		"firstCumulativeEffect": {[bonus format]}

		"mod:firstEffect": {[effect format]},
		"mod:secondEffect": {[effect format]}


[Todo] Special effects

If spell have at least one special effect it become configurable spell and spell configuration processed different way

Configurable spell

Configurable spells by default ignored offensive flag, effects and cumulativeEffects, it only uses specialEffects.

Special effect common format


"type":"mod:effectType", //identifier of effect type
"automatic": true, // effect will be applied on spell cast, deferred otherwise (f.e. land mine damage) 
"optional": false // you can cast spell even if this effect in not applicable

//other fields depending on type

Damage effect

If effect is automatic, spell behave like offensive spell (uses power, levelPower etc) <syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">


"type": "core:damage"

//TODO: options override


Timed effect

If effect is automatic, spell behave like [de]buff spell (uses levelPower, effects, cumulativeEffects etc) <syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">


"type": "core:timed", "cumulative": false

//TODO: options override

//other fields depending on type }

Additional documentation

Targets, ranges, modifiers

  • CREATURE target (only battle spells)
    • range 0: smart assumed single creature target
    • range "X" + smart modifier = enchanter casting, expert massive spells
    • range "X" + no smart modifier = armageddon, death ripple, destroy undead
    • any other range (including chain effect)
      • smart modifier: smth like cloud of confusion in H4 (if I remember correctly :) )
      • no smart modifier: like inferno, fireball etc. but target only creature
    • no target selection,(abilities, most adventure spells)
    • any tile on map/battlefield (inferno, fireball etc.), DD also here but with special handling
    • clearTarget - destination hex must be clear (unused so far)
    • clearAfffected - all affected hexes must be clear (forceField, fireWall)
  • OBSTACLE target
  • range 0: any single obstacle
  • range X: all obstacles

Modding related articles

Main articles
Modding changelog Modding guidelines Mod Handler

Mod file Format
Town Format Creature Format Hero Classes Format
Artifact Format Animation Format Hero Format
Bonus Format Object Format Spell Format

Work-in-progress formats
Building bonuses Map format
Bonus Type Format Random map template

Outdated pages
Mod system proposal