Creature Format

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Revision as of 16:46, 25 August 2012 by Itoijala (talk | contribs) (minor changes for a few names)
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This is only a proposal and not official information by the VCMI team. See thread


  • remove deprecated attributes once implemented in town config
  • better name for amm, something more self-documenting
  • creature experience

Creature abilities use Bonus Format.

long version (83 lines):

    "" : // name (for configs), should be camel case version of interface name. Examples: Pikeman, RoyalGriffin
        // mandatory
        "name" :
            "singular" : "",
            "plural" : ""
        "level" : 0,
        "faction" : "", // config name of faction. Examples: Castle, Rampart
        "cost" : 0, // gold. If other, use optional longer syntax
        "fightValue" : 0,
        "aiValue" : 0,
        "growth" : 0,
        "hitPoints" : 0,
        "speed" : 0,
        "attack" : 0,
        "defence" : 0,
        "damage" : [0, 0], // damage min, max. If same use single integer
        "amm" : [0, 0], // adventure map amount. If same use single integer
        "graphics" :
            "animation" : "" // name of def file

        // optional
        "upgrades" : [], // config names of creatures that this creature can be upgraded to
        "doubleWide" : false,
        "cost" :
            "Wood" : 0,
            "Mercury" : 0,
            "Ore" : 0,
            "Sulfur" : 0,
            "Crystal" : 0,
            "Gems" : 0,
            "Gold" : 0
        "shots" : 0,
        "spellPoints" : 0,
        "abilities" :
        "graphics" :
            "timeBetweenFidgets" : 1.00,
            "troopCountLocationOffset" : 0,
            "attackClimaxFrame" : 0,
            "animationTime" :
                "walk" : 1.00,
                "attack" : 1.00,
                "flight" : 1.00
            "backgrounds" :
                "120" : "", // if empty, uses faction background
                "130" : ""  // if empty, uses faction background
            "missile" :
                "animation" : "", // name of def file for missile
                "spin" : false,
                "offset" :
                    "upperX" : 0,
                    "upperY" : 0,
                    "middleX" : 0,
                    "middleY" : 0,
                    "lowerX" : 0,
                    "lowerY" : 0
                "frameAngles" : []
        "sound" : // names of sound files
            "attack": "",
            "defend": "",
            "killed": "",
            "move": "",
            "shoot" : "",
            "wince": "",
            "moveStart" : "",
            "moveEnd" : ""

        // deprecated, move to town config
        "hordeGrowth" : 0, // growth bonus from horde building
        "turretShooter" : false // if used in turret
    // more creatures

pikeman long (39 lines):

    "Pikeman" :
        "name" :
            "singular" : "Pikeman",
            "plural" : "Pikemen"
        "level" : 1,
        "faction" : "Castle",
        "upgrades" : ["Halberdier"],
        "cost" : 60,
        "fightValue" : 100,
        "aiValue" : 80,
        "growth" : 14,
        "hitPoints" : 10,
        "speed" : 4,
        "attack" : 4,
        "defence" : 5,
        "damage" : [1, 3],
        "amm" : [20, 50],
        "abilities" :
            "CHARGE_IMMUNITY" : {}
        "graphics" :
            "animation" : "CPKMAN.DEF",
            "animationTime" :
                "walk" : 1.15
        "sound" :
            "attack": "PIKEATTK.wav",
            "defend": "PIKEDFND.wav",
            "killed": "PIKEKILL.wav",
            "move": "PIKEMOVE.wav",
            "wince": "PIKEWNCE.wav"