User talk:AVS/Secondary skill format
From VCMI Project Wiki
- How skill disabling ("skillName": null) should be handled, especially in case of starting hero skill?
No need to handle it. "null" completely removes object from game so this can be considered as missing ID. Some option to disable skill (by setting level-up chances to 0) is completely independent option.
- Should default values (with no skill level) be configured too?
I don't think so. Lack of skill should have no effect on heroes.
Ivan (talk) 18:02, 7 January 2014 (CET)
Extra fields for skills
Some extra fields that are missing at the moment:
- id - for H3 skills only, needed at least to match possibly localized H3 texts with skills (and for some hardcoded skill functions)
- name - translatable skill name
- default chance to get skill (similar to defaultTavern fields in hero class/faction)
- hero class-specific chances to get skill, reversed version of hero class field
- special - needed? Possibility to define that skill should never be available to hero unless received by special means (starting skill, events, etc). To some points duplicates set to zero default chance.
Ivan (talk) 18:02, 7 January 2014 (CET)
Extra fields for skill levels
Extra possible fields for skill levels:
- name - needed? At least for Russian grammar this is needed - name of skill level is not always "level name" + "skill name". For H3 skills VCMI should generate this name and so it can be replaced with correct one via future localization system or just via mod system overrides.
- requires - very long-term idea. Possibility to define requirements which must be fulfilled before hero can learn skill level. Can be a basis of class skills or H5-style perks.