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Text formats
Format TXT
TXT's use language-specific encoding: - Win-1250/Win-1251/Win-1252/...
Format JSON
Image formats
Format BMP
Format JPG
Format PNG
Format TGA
Format PCX
struct h3pcx_color_indexed { uint8_t r; uint8_t g; uint8_t b; }; struct h3pcx_indexed { uint32_t bitmap_size; // equals to width*height - 1 byte per pixel uint32_t width; uint32_t height; uint8_t bitmap[width*height]; h3pcx_color_indexed palette[256]; }; struct h3pcx_color_bgr { uint8_t b; uint8_t g; uint8_t r; }; struct h3pcx_bgr { uint32_t bitmap_size; // equals to 3*width*height - 3 bytes per pixel uint32_t width; uint32_t height; h3pcx_color_bgr bitmap[width*height]; };
Animation formats
Format DEF
struct h3def_color_indexed { uint8_t r; uint8_t g; uint8_t b; }; struct h3def_header { uint32_t type; uint32_t width; uint32_t height; uint32_t sequences_count; h3def_color_indexed palette[256]; }; struct h3def_sequence { uint32_t type; uint32_t length; uint32_t unknown1; uint32_t unknown2; char *names[length]; uint32_t offsets[length]; }; struct h3def_frame_header { uint32_t data_size; uint32_t type; uint32_t width; uint32_t height; uint32_t img_width; uint32_t img_height; uint32_t x; uint32_t y; };
Music formats
Format MP3
Format OGG
Format 82M
Renamed WAVE format
Video formats
Format AVI
Format SMK
Format BIK
Format MJPG //better link needed
Format MPG
Palette formats
Archive formats
Format LOD and PAC
struct h3lod { uint32_t magic; // always 0x00444f4c, that is, a null-terminated "LOD" string uint32_t type; // 200 for base archives, 500 for expansion pack archives, probably completely arbitrary numbers uint32_t files_count; // obvious uint8_t unknown[80]; // 80 bytes of hell knows what - in most cases that's all zeros, but in H3sprite.lod there's a bunch of seemingly irrelevant numbers here, any information is welcome struct h3lod_file[10000]; // file list } struct h3lod_file { char name[16]; // null-terminated, sometimes null-padded too, sometimes padded with, well, something after the null uint32_t offset; // includes the header size, no preprocessing required uint32_t size_original; // before compression, that is uint32_t type; // what's in the file - probably not used by the game directly, more on that below uint32_t size_compressed; // how many bytes to read, starting from offset - can be zero for stored files, use size_original in such case }
Format VID
struct h3vid { uint32_t files_count; struct h3vid_file[files_count] } struct h3vid_file { char name[40]; uint32_t offset; }
Note: Archive VID doesn't contain information about file's size. For h3vid_file[x]:
Size = h3vid_file[x+1].offset - h3vid_file[x].offset.
If we read last file in archive:
Size = archive_size - h3vid_file[x].offset.
Format SND
struct h3snd { uint32 files_count; struct h3vid_file[files_count] } struct h3snd_file { char name[40]; uint32 offset; uint32 size; }
Note: For some reason entries in snd have format NAME(null)WAVRUBBISH....
Font formats
Format TTF
Format FNT
Bitmap font, specific for Heroes3. Describe soon...
Mask formats
Format MSK
Describe soon...
Format MSG
Describe soon...
Map formats
Format H3M
struct h3map{ h3map_header; h3map_disposedHeroes; h3map_allowedArtifacts; h3map_allowedSpells; h3map_allowedAbilities; h3map_rumors; h3map_predefinedHeroes; h3map_terrain; h3map_defs; h3map_objects; h3map_events; } struct string{ uint32 count; char data[count]; } struct h3map_header{ uint32 version; uint8 areAnyPlayers; uint32 width/height; uint8 twoLevel; string name; string describe; char difficulty; if(version != ROE) { uint8 levelLimit; } playerInfo playerInfo[8]; uint8 victoryConditions; uint8 lossConditions; uint8 teamCount; uint8 player[0].team; uint8 player[1].team; uint8 player[2].team; uint8 player[3].team; uint8 player[4].team; uint8 player[5].team; uint8 player[6].team; uint8 player[7].team; if(version = ROE) { uint8 allowedHeroes[16] } else { uint8 allowedHeroes[20] } if(version > ROE) { uint32 placeholdersQty //unknown_1 } } struct h3map_disposedHeroes{ if(version >= SOD) { uint8 disposedHeroesCount; disposedHeroes disposedHeroes[disposedHeroesCount] } char nulls[31]; } struct h3map_allowedArtifacts{ if(version != ROE) { if(version = AB) { bool artifactsBits[17]; } else { bool artifactsBits[18]; } } } struct h3map_allowedSpells{ if(version >= SOD) { bool spellBits[9]; } } struct h3map_allowedAbilities{ if(version >= SOD) { bool abilitiesBits[4]; } } struct h3map_rumors{ uint32 rumorsCount; rumor rumors[rumorsCount]; } struct h3map_predefinedHeroes{ if(version = SOD || version = WOG) { predefinedHeroes predefinedHeroes[156]; } } struct playerInfo{ uint8 canHumanPlay; uint8 canComputerPlay; uint8 computer_tactic; uint8 aiTactic; if(version == SOD || version == WOG) { uint8 p7; //unknown_2 } bool allowedFactions[32]; uint8 isFactionRandom; uint8 hasMainTown; if(hasMainTown == 1) { if(version != ROE) { uint8 generateHeroAtMainTown; uint8 generateHeroAtMainTown; } uint8 posOfMainTown_x; uint8 posOfMainTown_y; uint8 posOfMainTown_z; } uint8 hasHero; uint8 customHeroID; if(customHeroID != 0xff) { uint8 mainHeroPortrait; string mainHeroName; } if(version != ROE) { uint8 powerPlaceholders //unknown_3 uint8 heroCount; uint8 unknow_4; //unknown_4 uint8 unknow_5; //unknown_5 uint8 unknow_6; //unknown_6 heroesNames heroesNames[heroCount]; } } struct heroesNames{ uint8 heroId; string heroName; } struct disposedHeroes{ uint8 heroId; uint8 portrait; string name; bool player[8]; } struct rumor{ string name; string text; } struct PredefinedHeroes{ uint8 custom; if(custom != 0) { uint8 hasExp; if(hasExp) { uint32 Exp } uint8 hasSecSkills; if(hasSecSkills) { uint32 SecSkillsCount; secondarySkill SecondarySkill[SecSkillsCount]; } uint8 hasArt; if(hasArt) { if(version == ROE) { uint8 ArtifactToSlot[19]; } if(version > ROE) { uint16 ArtifactToSlot[19]; } uint16 backpack_amount; if(version == ROE) { uint8 ArtifactToBackpack[backpack_amount]; } if(version > ROE) { uint16 ArtifactToBackpack[backpack_amount]; } } uint8 hasCustomBio; if(hasCustomBio) { string biography; } uint8 sex; uint8 hasCustomSpells; if(hasCustomSpells) { uint8 spells[9]; } uint8 hasCustomPrimSkills; if(hasCustomPrimSkills) uint8 PrimarySkill; } } struct Hero{ if(version > ROE) { uint32 identifier; } uint8 PlayerColor; uint8 subID; uint8 hasName; if(hasName) { string name; } if(version > AB) { uint8 hasExp; if(hasExp) { uint32 Exp; } } else { uint32 Exp; } uint8 hasPortrait; if(hasPortrait) { uint8 portrait; } uint8 hasSecSkills; if(hasSecSkills) { uint32 SecSkillsCount; secondarySkill SecondarySkill[SecSkillsCount]; } uint8 hasGarison; if(hasGarison) { creature army[7]; } uint8 formation; uint8 hasArt; if(hasArt) { if(version == ROE) { uint8 ArtifactToSlot[19]; } if(version > ROE) { uint16 ArtifactToSlot[19]; } uint16 backpack_amount; if(version == ROE) { uint8 ArtifactToBackpack[backpack_amount]; } if(version > ROE) { uint16 ArtifactToBackpack[backpack_amount]; } } uint8 patrolRadious; //if(patrolRadious == 0xff then patrolRadious = false, else patrolRadious = true) uint8 hasCustomBio; if(hasCustomBio) { string biography; } uint8 sex; if(version > AB) { uint8 hasCustomSpells; if(hasCustomSpells) { uint8 spells[9]; } } else if(version == AB) { uint8 spells[1]; } uint8 hasCustomPrimSkills; if(hasCustomPrimSkills) { uint8 PrimarySkill[GameConstants::PRIMARY_SKILLS]; } uint8 unknown[16]; } struct secondarySkill{ uint8 Skill; uint8 level; } struct h3map_terrain{ terrain world_tileset[width][height]; if(TwoLevel) { terrain second_world_tileset[width][height]; } } struct creature{ if(version > ROE) { uint16 ID; } else { uint8 ID; } uint16 count; } struct terrain{ uint8 Type; uint8 View; uint8 riverType; uint8 riverDir; uint8 roadType; uint8 roadDir; uint8 extTileFlags; } struct h3map_def{ uint32 defAmount; def def[defAmount] } struct def{ string name; uint8 bytes[12]; uint16 terrainAllowed; uint16 terrainMenu; uint32 id; uint32 subid; uint8 type; uint8 printPriority; uint16 unknown; } struct h3map_object{ uint32 count; object object[count]; } struct object{ uint8 x; uint8 y; uint8 z; uint32 defnum; uint8 unknown[5]; if(h3map_def.def[defnum].id == EVENT) { uint8 hasMessage; if(hasMessage) { string message; } uint8 hasGuards; if(hasGuards) { creature guards[7]; } uint32 unknow; uint32 gainedExp; uint32 manaDiff; uint8 moraleDiff; uint8 luckDiff; uint32 resources[7]; uint8 primskills[4]; uint8 countSkill; secondarySkill skill[ count_gained_abilities]; uint8 countArtifact; if(version == ROE) { uint8 ArtifactID[countArtifact]; } else { uint16 ArtifactID[countArtifact]; } uint8 countSpell; uint8 SpellID[countSpell]; uint8 countCreature; creature creature[countCreature]; uint8 unknown_1[8]; uint8 availableFor; uint8 computerActivate; uint8 removeAfterVisit; uint32 unknown_2; } if(h3map_def.def[defnum].id == HERO) { hero hero; } if(h3map_def.def[defnum].id == MONSTER) { if(version > ROE) { uint32 creID; } uint16 creCount; uint8 creCharacter; uint8 hasMessage; if(hasMessage) { string message; uint32 resources[7]; if(version == ROE) { uint8 artID; } else { uint8 artID; } } uint8 creNeverFlees; uint8 creNotGrowingTeam; uint8 unknown_1[2]; } if(h3map_def.def[defnum].id == BOOTLE) { string message; uint32 unknown_1; } if(h3map_def.def[defnum].id == SEER_HUT) { if(version > ROE) { quest quest; if(quest.missionType > 0) { uint8 rewardType; if(rewardType == EXPERIENCE || rewardType == MANA_POINTS) { uint32 value; } if(rewardType == MORALE_BONUS || rewardType == LUCK_BONUS || rewardType == SPELL) { uint8 value; } if(rewardType == RESOURCES) { uint8 ID; uint32 value; } if(rewardType == PRIMARY_SKILL || rewardType == SECONDARY_SKILL) { uint8 ID; uint8 value; } if(rewardType == ARTIFACT) { if(version == ROE) { uint8 ID; } else { uint16 ID; } } if(rewardType == CREATURE) { if(version == ROE) { uint16 ID; uint16 value; } else { uint8 ID; uint16 value; } } } uint8 unknown_1[2]; } else { uint8 unknown_1[3]; } } if(h3map_def.def[defnum].id == SCHOLAR) { uint8 bonusType; uint8 bonusID; uint8 unknown_1[6]; } if(h3map_def.def[defnum].id == GARRISON) { uint8 playerColor; uint8 unknown_1[3]; creature army[7]; if(version > ROE) { uint8 removableUnits; } uint8 unknown_2[8]; } if(h3map_def.def[defnum].id == ARTIFACT || h3map_def.def[defnum].id == SPELL_SCROLL) { if(hasMessage) { string message; } uint8 hasGuards; if(hasGuards) { creature guards[7]; } uint32 unknow; if(h3map_def.def[defnum].id == SPELL_SCROLL) { uint32 spellID; } } if(h3map_def.def[defnum].id == RESOURCE) { if(hasMessage) { string message; } uint8 hasGuards; if(hasGuards) { creature guards[7]; } uint32 unknow; uint32 amount; uint32 unknow_1; } if(h3map_def.def[defnum].id == TOWN) { if(hasMessage) { string message; } uint8 hasGuards; if(hasGuards) { creature guards[7]; } uint32 unknow; uint32 amount; uint32 unknow_1; } if(h3map_def.def[defnum].id == MINE || h3map_def.def[defnum].id == CREATURE_GENERATOR) { uint8 playerColor; uint8 unknown_1[3]; } if(h3map_def.def[defnum].id == SHRINE_OF_MAGIC_THOUGHT) { uint8 spellID; uint8 unknown_1[3]; } if(h3map_def.def[defnum].id == PANDORAS_BOX) { uint8 hasMessage; if(hasMessage) { string message; } uint8 hasGuards; if(hasGuards) { creature guards[7]; } uint32 unknow; uint32 gainedExp; uint32 manaDiff; uint8 moraleDiff; uint8 luckDiff; uint32 resources[7]; uint8 primskills[4]; uint8 countSkill; secondarySkill skill[ count_gained_abilities]; uint8 countArtifact; if(version == ROE) { uint8 ArtifactID[countArtifact]; } else { uint16 ArtifactID[countArtifact]; } uint8 countSpell; uint8 SpellID[countSpell]; uint8 countCreature; creature creature[countCreature]; uint8 unknown_1[8]; } if(h3map_def.def[defnum].id == GRAIL) { uint32 grailRadious; } if(h3map_def.def[defnum].id == QUEST_GUARD || h3map_def.def[defnum].id == BORDERGUARD || h3map_def.def[defnum].id == BORDER_GATE) { quest quest; } if(h3map_def.def[defnum].id == SHIPYARD || h3map_def.def[defnum].id == LIGHTHOUSE) { uint32 playercolor; } } struct quest{ uint8 missionType; if(missionType == 2) { uint8 m2stats[4]; } if(missionType == 1 || missionType == 3 || missionType == 4) { uint32 m13489val; } if(missionType == 5) { uint8 artCount; uint16 artID[artCount]; } if(missionType == 6) { uint8 typeCount; quest_creature quest_creature[typeCount]; } if(missionType == 7) { uint32 m7resources[7] } if(missionType == 8 || missionType == 9) { uint8 m13489val; } uint32 limit; string firstVisitText; string nextVisitText; string completedText; } struct quest_creature{ uint16 type; uint16 count; } struct town{ if(version > ROE) { uint32 ID; } uint8 playerColor; uint8 hasName; if(hasName) { string name; } uint8 hasGarrison; if(hasGarrison) { creature army[7]; } uint8 formation; uint8 hasCustomBuildings; if(hasCustomBuildings) { uint8 builtBuildings[6]; uint8 forbiddenBuildings[6]; } else { uint8 hasFort; } if(version > ROE) { uint8 obligatorySpells[9]; } uint8 possibleSpells; uint8 eventCount; castleEvent castleEvent[eventCount]; if(version > AB) { uint8 alignment; } uint8 unknown[3]; } struct h3map_event{ uint32 count; event event[count]; } struct event{ string name; string message; uint32 resources[7]; uint8 players; if(version > AB) { uint8 humanAffected; } uint8 computerAffected; uint16 firstOccurence; uint8 nextOccurence; uint8 unknow[17]; } struct castleEvent{ event event; uint8 buildings[6]; uint16 creaturesBonus[7]; uint32 unknown; } (uncomplete) (complete - Polish)
Campaigns formats
Describe soon...