Cheat codes
From VCMI Project Wiki
Following cheat codes have been implemented in VCMI:
- vcmiistari - gives all spells and 999 mana to currently selected hero
- vcmiainur - gives 5 Archangels to every empty slot of currently selected hero
- vcmiangband - gives 10 black knight into each slot
- vcmiarmenelos - build all buildings in currently selected town
- vcminoldor - all war machines
- vcminahar - 1000000 movement points
- vcmiformenos - give resources (100 wood, ore and rare resources and 20000 gold)
- vcmieagles - reveals FoW
- vcmiglorfindel - advances currently selected hero to the next level
- vcmisilmaril - player wins
- vcmimelkor - player loses
- vcmiforgeofnoldorking - Hero gets all artifacts except spell book, spell scrolls and war machines. This includes artifacts added via mods.
Console commands
- autoskip - Toggles autoskip mode on and off. In this mode, player turns are automatically skipped and only AI moves. However, GUI is still present and allows to observe AI moves.
- onlyai - When typed in pregame, it completely removes human players and GUI from game. Use console and bugtracker to test AI quickly. Additionally, game cna be launched with --onlyAI parameter to enable this mode by default.