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= Requirements =
# C++ toolchain, either of:
#* Xcode Command Line Tools (aka CLT): <code>sudo xcode-select --install</code>
#* Xcode IDE: https://developer.apple.com/xcode/
#* (not tested) other C++ compilers, e.g. gcc/clang from [https://brew.sh/ Homebrew]
# CMake: <code>brew install --cask cmake</code> or get from https://cmake.org/download/
# (optional) Ninja: <code>brew install ninja</code> or get from https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases
= Obtaining source code =
Clone https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi with submodules. Example for command line:
<nowiki>git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git</nowiki>
= Obtaining dependencies =
There're 2 ways to get dependencies automatically.
== Conan package manager ==
Please find detailed instructions in [https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/tree/develop/docs/conan.md VCMI repository]. Note that the link points to the cutting-edge state in <code>develop</code> branch, for the latest release check the same document in the [https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/tree/master/docs/conan.md master branch].
On the step where you need to replace '''PROFILE''', choose:
* if you're on an Intel Mac: <code>macos-intel</code>
* if you're on an Apple Silicon Mac: <code>macos-arm</code>
Note: if you wish to build 1.0 release in non-<code>Release</code> configuration, you should define <code>USE_CONAN_WITH_ALL_CONFIGS=1</code> environment variable when executing <code>conan install</code>.
== Homebrew ==
# [https://brew.sh/ Install Homebrew]
# Install dependencies: <code>brew install boost minizip sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf tbb</code>
# If you want to watch in-game videos, also install FFmpeg: <code>brew install ffmpeg@4</code>
# Install Qt dependency in either of the ways (note that you can skip this if you're not going to build Launcher):
#* <code>brew install qt@5</code> for Qt 5 or <code>brew install qt</code> for Qt 6
#* using [https://www.qt.io/download Qt Online Installer] - choose '''Go open source'''
= Preparing build environment =
This applies only to Xcode-based toolchain. If <code>xcrun -f clang</code> prints errors, then use either of the following ways:
* select an Xcode instance from Xcode application - Preferences - Locations - Command Line Tools
* use <code>xcode-select</code> utility to set Xcode or Xcode Command Line Tools path: for example, <code>sudo xcode-select -s /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools</code>
* set <code>DEVELOPER_DIR</code> environment variable pointing to Xcode or Xcode Command Line Tools path: for example, <code>export DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/Xcode.app</code>
= Configuring project for building =
Note that if you wish to use Qt Creator IDE, you should skip this step and configure respective variables inside the IDE.
# In Terminal <code>cd</code> to the source code directory
# Start assembling CMake invocation: type <code>cmake -S . -B BUILD_DIR</code> where ''BUILD_DIR'' can be any path, '''don't press Return'''
# Decide which CMake generator you want to use:
#* Makefiles: no extra option needed or pass <code>-G 'Unix Makefiles'</code>
#* Ninja (if you have installed it): pass <code>-G Ninja</code>
#* Xcode IDE (if you have installed it): pass <code>-G Xcode</code>
# If you picked Makefiles or Ninja, pick desired ''build type'' - either of Debug / RelWithDebInfo / Release / MinSizeRel - and pass it in <code>CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE</code> option, for example: <code>-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release</code>. If you don't pass this option, <code>RelWithDebInfo</code> will be used.
# If you don't want to build Launcher, pass <code>-D ENABLE_LAUNCHER=OFF</code>
# You can also pass <code>-Wno-dev</code> if you're not interested in CMake developer warnings
# Next step depends on the dependency manager you have picked:
#* Conan: pass <code>-D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=conan-generated/conan_toolchain.cmake</code> where '''conan-generated''' must be replaced with your directory choice
#* Homebrew: if you installed FFmpeg or Qt 5, you need to pass <code>-D "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="</code> variable. See below what you can insert after <code>=</code> (but '''before the closing quote'''), multiple values must be separated with <code>;</code> (semicolon):
#** if you installed FFmpeg, insert <code>$(brew --prefix ffmpeg@4)</code>
#** if you installed Qt 5 from Homebrew, insert: <code>$(brew --prefix qt@5)</code>
#** if you installed Qt from Online Installer, insert your path to Qt directory, for example: <code>/Users/kambala/dev/Qt-libs/5.15.2/Clang64</code>
#** example for FFmpeg + Qt 5: <code>-D "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(brew --prefix ffmpeg@4);$(brew --prefix qt@5)"</code>
# now press Return
= Building project =
You must also install game files to be able to run the built version, see [[Installation on macOS]].
== From Xcode IDE ==
Open <code>VCMI.xcodeproj</code> from the build directory, select <code>vcmiclient</code> scheme and hit Run (Cmd+R). To build Launcher, select <code>vcmilauncher</code> scheme instead.
== From command line ==
<code>cmake --build <path to build directory></code>
* If using Makefiles generator, you'd want to utilize all your CPU cores by appending <code>-- -j$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)</code> to the above
* If using Xcode generator, you can also choose which configuration to build by appending <code>--config <configuration name></code> to the above, for example: <code>--config Debug</code>
= Packaging project into DMG file =
After building, run <code>cpack</code> from the build directory. If using Xcode generator, also pass <code>-C <configuration name></code> with the same configuration that you used to build the project.
If you use Conan, it's expected that you use '''conan-generated''' directory at step 4 of [[#Conan package manager]].
= Running VCMI =
You can run VCMI from DMG, but it's will also work from your IDE be it Xcode or Qt Creator.
Alternatively you can run binaries directly from "bin" directory:
CMake include commands to copy all needed assets from source directory into "bin" on each build. They'll work when you build from Xcode too.
= Some useful debugging tips =
Anyone who might want to debug builds, but new to macOS could find following commands useful:
# To attach DMG file from command line use
hdiutil attach vcmi-1.0.dmg
# Detach volume:
hdiutil detach /Volumes/vcmi-1.0
# To view dependency paths
otool -L /Volumes/vcmi-1.0/VCMI.app/Contents/MacOS/vcmiclient
# To display load commands such as LC_RPATH
otool -l /Volumes/vcmi-1.0/VCMI.app/Contents/MacOS/vcmiclient
= Troubleshooting =
In case of troubles you can always consult our CI build scripts or contact the dev team via slack

Latest revision as of 16:08, 16 July 2024

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