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Schema in git: [https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/blob/develop/config/schemas/hero.json config/schemas/mod.json]
==Required data==
In order to make functional hero you also need:
* Portraits, small and big versions (2 images)
* Specialty icons, small and big versions (2 images)
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
"myHeroName" :
// Identifier of class. Usually camelCase version of human-readable name
"class" : "wizard",
// List of starting spells, if available. Will also grant spellbook
"spellbook" :
// Set to true if the hero is female by default (can be changed in map editor)
"female" : true,
// If set to true hero will be unavailable on start and won't appear in taverns (campaign heroes)
"special" : true,
// All translatable texts related to hero
"texts" :
"name" : "My Hero",
"biography" : "This is a long story...",
"specialty" :
// Description visible when hovering over specialty icon
"description" : "Spell mastery: Magic Arrow",
// Tooltip visible on clicking icon. Can use {} symbols to change title to yellow
// as well as escape sequences "\n" to add line breaks
"tooltip" : "{Magic Arrow}\n\nCasts powerfull magic arrows",
// Name of your specialty
"name" : "Magic Arrow"
// Graphics used by hero
"images" :
// Small 32px speciality icon
"specialtySmall" : "myMod/myHero/specSmall.png",
// Large 44px speciality icon
"specialtyLarge" : "myMod/myHero/specLarge.png",
// Large 58x64px portrait
"large" : "myMod/myHero/large.png",
// Small 48x32px portrait
"small" : "myMod/myHero/small.png"
// Initial hero army when recruited in tavern
// Must have 1-3 elements
"army" :
// First always available stack
// Identifier of creature in this stack
"creature" : "mage",
// Minimal and maximum size of stack. Size will be
// determined randomly at the start of the game
"max" : 2,
"min" : 1
// Second stack has 90 % chance to appear
"creature" : "archmage",
"max" : 1,
"min" : 1
// Third stack with just 20 % chance to appear
"creature" : "mage",
"max" : 2,
"min" : 1
// List of skills received by hero
// Not limited by size - you can add as many skills as you wish
"skills" :
// Skill level, basic, advanced or expert
"level" : "basic",
// Skill identifier, camelCase version of name
"skill" : "wisdom"
"level" : "basic",
"skill" : "waterMagic"
// Description of specialty mechanics using bonus format
"specialty" :
"growsWithLevel" : true, //so far only SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY and PRIMATY SKILL with creature limiter can grow
"bonuses" : [Bonus Format]
// Deprecated format, get rid of it
"type": 2,
"val": 5,
"subtype": 1,
"info": 0

Latest revision as of 16:25, 16 July 2024

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