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(Debug build of VCMI won't run since SDL2.dll / libbz2.dll missing)
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= Prerequisites =
* Windows Vista or newer.
* Microsoft Visual Studio [https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/older-downloads/ 2017] or [http://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs 2019]
* CI use VS2019, so you are going to have less problems with it.
* Git or git GUI, for example, SourceTree [http://www.sourcetreeapp.com/download download]
* CMake [https://cmake.org/download/ download]. During install after accepting license agreement make sure to check "Add CMake to the system PATH for all users".
* To unpack pre-build Vcpkg: [http://www.7-zip.org/download.html 7-zip]
* To create installer: [http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Main_Page NSIS]
= Choose directory =
Create a directory for VCMI development, eg. '''C:\VCMI'''
We will call this directory as '''[VCMI_DIR]'''
'''Warning!''' Replace '''[VCMI_DIR]''' with path you chosen in following commands of this instruction.
== How to choose good directory ==
It is recommended to avoid non-ascii characters in the path to your working folders. The folder should not be write-protected by system.
Good location:
* '''C:\VCMI'''
Bad locations:
* '''C:\Users\Michał\VCMI''' (non-ascii character)
* '''C:\Program Files (x86)\VCMI''' (write protection)
= Install dependencies =
You have two options: to use pre-built libraries or build your own. We strongly recommend start with using pre-built ones.
== Option A. Use pre-built Vcpkg ==
So you decide to start using Vcpkg packages pre-built by VCMI team.
Package guaranteed to work since they tested with every commit by [https://ci.appveyor.com/project/vcmi/vcmi AppVeyor]
* Please note that as of 2020, this lib wasnt yet updated for vs2019, so for vs2019 you will probaby have to use option B.
=== Download and unpack archive ===
Archives are available from GitHub: https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi-deps-windows/releases
Only download latest version available.
* vcpkg-export-'''x86'''-windows-v140.7z to build for 32-bit no debug, 3 times smaller file size
* vcpkg-export-'''x64'''-windows-v140.7z to build for 64-bit no debug, 3 times smaller file size
* vcpkg-export-'''x86'''-windows-v140-debug.7z to build for 32-bit with debug configuration available
* vcpkg-export-'''x64'''-windows-v140-debug.7z to build for 64-bit with debug configuration available
Extract archive by right clicking on it and choosing "7-zip -> Extract Here".
=== Move dependencies to target directory  ===
Once extracted "vcpkg" directory will appear with "installed" and "scripts" inside it.
Move extracted "vcpkg" directory into your '''[VCMI_DIR]'''.
== Option B. Build Vcpkg on your own ==
Please be aware that if you're running 32-bit Windows version, then this is impossible due to https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/issues/26036
Be aware that building Vcpkg might take a lot of time depend on your CPU model and 10-20GB of disk space.
=== Create initial directory ===
=== Clone vcpkg ===
# open SourceTree
# File -> Clone
# select '''https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/''' as source
# select '''[VCMI_DIR]/vcpkg''' as destination
# click '''Clone'''
From command line use:
git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git [VCMI_DIR]/vcpkg
=== Build vcpkg ===
* Run
=== Build dependencies ===
* For 32-bit build run:
[VCMI_DIR]/vcpkg/vcpkg.exe install sdl2:x86-windows sdl2-image:x86-windows sdl2-ttf:x86-windows sdl2-mixer:x86-windows boost:x86-windows qt5-base:x86-windows ffmpeg:x86-windows fuzzylite:x86-windows smpeg2:x86-windows tbb:x86-windows luajit:x86-windows
* For 64-bit build run
[VCMI_DIR]/vcpkg/vcpkg.exe install sdl2:x64-windows sdl2-image:x64-windows sdl2-ttf:x64-windows sdl2-mixer:x64-windows boost:x64-windows qt5-base:x64-windows ffmpeg:x64-windows fuzzylite:x64-windows smpeg2:x64-windows tbb:x64-windows luajit:x64-windows
For the list of the packages used you can also consult [https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi-deps-windows vcmi-deps-windows readme] in case this article gets outdated a bit.
= Build VCMI =
== Clone VCMI ==
# open SourceTree
# File -> Clone
# select '''https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/''' as source
# select '''[VCMI_DIR]/source''' as destination
# expand Advanced Options and change Checkout Branch to "develop"
# tick Recursive submodules
# click '''Clone'''
or From command line use:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git [VCMI_DIR]/source
== Generate solution for VCMI ==
# create '''[VCMI_DIR]/build''' folder
# open '''[VCMI_DIR]/build''' in command line:
## Run Command Prompt or Power Shell.
## Execute: cd [VCMI_DIR]/build
# execute one of following commands to generate project
'''Visual Studio 2017 - 32-bit build'''
cmake [VCMI_DIR]/source -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[VCMI_DIR]/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017"
'''Visual Studio 2017 - 64-bit build'''
cmake [VCMI_DIR]/source -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[VCMI_DIR]/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
'''Visual Studio 2019 - 32-bit build'''
cmake [VCMI_DIR]/source -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[VCMI_DIR]/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32
'''Visual Studio 2019 - 64-bit build'''
cmake [VCMI_DIR]/source -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[VCMI_DIR]/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64
== Compile VCMI with Visual Studio ==
# open '''[VCMI_DIR]/build/VCMI.sln''' in Visual Studio
# select "Release" build type in combobox
# right click on '''BUILD_ALL''' project - build project. This BUILD_ALL project should be in "CMakePredefinedTargets" tree in Solution Explorer.
# grab VCMI in '''[VCMI_DIR]/build/bin''' folder!
== Compile VCMI from command line ==
'''For release build'''
cmake --build [VCMI_DIR]/build --config Release
'''For debug build'''
cmake --build [VCMI_DIR]/build --config Debug
Debug will be used by default even "--config" if not specified.
= Create VCMI installer =
Make sure NSIS is installed to default directory or have registry entry so CMake can find it.
After you build VCMI execute following commands from '''[VCMI_DIR]/build'''.
=== Execute following if you built for Release: ===
=== If you built for Debug: ===
cpack -C Debug
= Troubleshooting and workarounds =
Vcpkg might be very unstable due to limited popularity and fact of using bleeding edge packages (such as most recent Boost). Using latest version of dependencies could also expose both problems in VCMI code or library interface changes that developers not checked yet. So if you're built Vcpkg yourself and can't get it working please try to use binary package.
Pre-built version we provide is always manually tested with all supported versions of MSVC for both Release and Debug builds and all known quirks are listed below.
=== Debug build of VCMI won't run since some library is missing ===
Try to build INSTALL target and see if its output works as expected. Copy missing libraries or even all libraries. Another alternative if you use prebuilt vcpkg package is to download latest msvc build install it and copy missing/all libraries from there
=== I got crash within library XYZ.dll ===
Good workaround is to use debug version of said library instead of release one or vice versa. If that's helped you can swap the library within Vcpkg package itself so you don't need to do it every time when you.
=== Build is successful but can not start new game ===
Check that all non-VCMI dlls in AI and Scripting (vcmilua.dll and vcmierm.dll) folders are also copied to the parent folder so that they are available for vcmi_clent.exe. These are tbb.dll fuzzylite.dll lua51.dll. Also there should be as well folder scripts (lua scripts for ERM). If scripting folder is absent please build vcmiLua and vcmiErm projects. There is no direct dependency between them and vcmi_client for now (2021-08-28)
=== Debug build is very slow ===
Debug builds with MSVC are generally extremely slow since it's not just VCMI binaries are built as debug, but every single dependency too and this usually means no optimizations at all. Debug information that available for release builds is often sufficient so just avoid full debug builds unless absolutely necessary. Instead use RelWithDebInfo configuration. Also Debug configuration might have some compilation issues because it is not checked via CI for now.

Latest revision as of 16:07, 16 July 2024

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