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= Compiling VCMI =
* Current baseline requirement for building is Ubuntu 14.04
* Supported C++ compilers for UNIX-like systems are GCC 4.8+ and Clang 3.4+
Older distributions and compilers might work, but they aren't tested by [https://travis-ci.org/vcmi/vcmi/ Travis CI]
= Installing dependencies =
== Prerequisites ==
To compile, the following packages (and their development counterparts) are needed to build:
* CMake 2.8.12 or newer
* SDL2 with devel packages: mixer, image, ttf
* zlib and zlib-devel
* Optional of launcher: Qt 5, widget and network modules
* FFmpeg libraries: libavformat and libswscale. Their name could be libavformat-devel and libswscale-devel, or ffmpeg-libs-devel or similar names.
* Boost C++ libraries v1.48+: program-options, filesystem, system, thread, locale
=== Manual Installation ===
For older OS versions the latest prerequisite packages may not be readily available via he installer. Some brief instructions for manual install are given below (tested on Ubuntu 14.04).
* CMake (update version as needed):
wget https://cmake.org/files/v3.11/cmake-3.11.0.tar.gz
tar xfz cmake-3.11.0.tar.gz
cd cmake-3.11.0
make -j2
sudo make install
Open a new terminal and test with cmake --version.
== On Debian-based systems (e.g. Ubuntu) ==
sudo apt-get install cmake g++ libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev zlib1g-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-locale-dev qtbase5-dev
Alternatively if you have VCMI installed from repository or PPA you can use:
sudo apt-get build-dep vcmi
== On RPM-based distributions (e.g. Fedora) ==
sudo yum install cmake gcc-c++ SDL2-devel SDL2_image-devel SDL2_ttf-devel SDL2_mixer-devel boost boost-devel boost-filesystem boost-system boost-thread boost-program-options boost-locale zlib-devel ffmpeg-devel ffmpeg-libs qt5-qtbase-devel
== On Arch-based distributions ==
On Arch-based distributions, there is a development package available for VCMI on the AUR.
It can be found at: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/vcmi-git/
Information about building packages from the Arch User Repository (AUR) can be found at the Arch wiki.
= Getting the sources =
VCMI is still in development. We recommend the following initial directory structure:
├── vcmi -> contains sources and is under git control
└── build -> contains build output, makefiles, object files,...
You can get latest sources with:
git clone -b develop --depth 1 --recursive https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git
= Compilation =
== Configuring Makefiles ==
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../vcmi
# Additional options that you may want to use:
## To enable debugging:
cmake ../vcmi -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
The ../vcmi/ is not a typo, it will place makefile scripts into the build dir as the build dir is your working dir when calling CMake.
== Trigger build ==
cmake --build . -- -j2
# -j2 = compile with 2 threads, you can specify any value
That will generate vcmiclient, vcmiserver, vcmilauncher as well as 4 .so libraries in '''build/bin/''' directory.
= Package building =
== RPM package ==
The first step is to prepare a RPM build environment. On Fedora systems you can follow this guide: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_an_RPM_package#SPEC_file_overview
1. Download the file rpm/vcmi.spec from any tagged VCMI release for which you wish to build a RPM package via the SVN Browser trac at this URL for example(which is for VCMI 0.9): http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/vcmi/browser/tags/0.9/rpm/vcmi.spec
2. Copy the file to ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
3. Follow instructions in the vcmi.spec. You have to export the corresponding SVN tag, compress it to a g-zipped archive and copy it to ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES. Instructions are written as comments and you can copy/paste commands into terminal.
4. Go to ~/rpmbuild/SPECS and open terminal in this folder and type: <pre>rpmbuild -ba vcmi.spec (this will build rpm and source rpm)</pre>
5. Generated RPM is in folder ~/rpmbuild/RPMS
If you want to package the generated RPM above for different processor architectures and operating systems you can use the tool mock. Moreover, it is necessary to install mock-rpmfusion_free due to the packages ffmpeg-devel and ffmpeg-libs which aren't available in the standard RPM repositories(at least for Fedora). Go to ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS in terminal and type:
<pre>mock -r fedora-17-i386-rpmfusion_free path_to_source_RPM
mock -r fedora-17-x86_64-rpmfusion_free path_to_source_RPM</pre>
Available root environments and their names are listed in /etc/mock.
== Debian/Ubuntu ==
1. Install debhelper and devscripts packages
2. Run dpkg-buildpackage command from vcmi source directory
sudo apt-get install debhelper devscripts
cd /path/to/source
To generate packages for different architectures see "-a" flag of dpkg-buildpackage command
== Documentation ==
To compile using Doxygen, the UseDoxygen CMake module must be installed. It can be fetched from: http://tobias.rautenkranz.ch/cmake/doxygen/
Once UseDoxygen is installed, run:
cmake .
make doc
The built documentation will be available from ./doc

Latest revision as of 16:06, 16 July 2024

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